Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone’s enjoying this special day! The day where we celebrate Jesus’s birth.  I’m in Florida spending time with my family. Well, part of them anyway. How about you?  My gift to you is to share resources of other blogs I highly recommend especially now that this is my last post here. Practical understanding on

New Chapter

Something that’s constant? Change! An ever-powerful force even if you resist it, change will have its way.

God With Us!

Christmas reminds me of the humanity of Jesus. Specifically how God wants us to be aware that he intimately knows us. Just like Psalms 139 clearly explains:    “Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. You’ve examined my innermost being with your loving gaze.” Psalms 139:1 TPT When I read this Psalm, I

Stones of Remembrance

“When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, and command them, saying, Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests’ feet stood firmly, and bring them over with you and lay them down in the

Lean on Him

Thanksgiving is over, but having a grateful heart isn’t. And after a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, I’m grateful to God for how well he orchestrates my life. Beautiful statement considering I’m still in recovery as I yield control over to him. Anyone else on the same boat? I spent Wednesday night to Monday morning with loved

Can You Survive the Holiday Season?

From Thanksgiving to New Years, the holidays feel like a high-speed train, rushing toward me. Yea, do you know the feeling? We scamper around like ants, shopping for groceries and gifts, preparing food, and decorating our home. We wonder if we have time to sit down for ten minutes. For someone who’s slightly obsessed (but

Just Jump!

While in college, I went to Germany on a summer missions trip. Throughout the school year, I got acquainted with my team, prepared for the trip, and raised funds. Then all the missions teams spent a week at a camp for an intense training before each flew to their destinations. My nemesis at the camp?

Raise Your Hope From the Dead

“Where could I go from your Spirit?     Where could I run and hide from your face?  If I go up to heaven, you’re there!     If I go down to the realm of the dead, you’re there too!  If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there!     If I fly into the radiant sunset,

Jesus is Abundant Life

“I am the Gateway.[e] To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction.[f] A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter,[g] and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, [h] more than you expect[i]—life in its fullness until you overflow! I am the Good[j] Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice

What Are You Speaking About God?

Do you speak the truth in love to yourself? Are you words aligning with Philippians 4:8? true honorable   just   pure lovely commendable and excellent  Anything else that doesn’t speak life is speaking death. So, if you’re speaking lies, self-loathing, or malice to yourself, you’re sinning. Ouch! You’re speaking these words not just about yourself, but

Weed Out Your Cares!

How do you cast your cares upon God? Will just saying, “I cast my cares upon God,” ease your stress? Evaporate your cares? Yes, it can for the moment. But what if our cares are like weeds in our soul? Can we pull them out permanently, so they don’t continually crowd the beauty in our

What Would You Say to Your 18-Year-Old Self?

“I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work[d] in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you[e] and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling[f] of our Lord Jesus Christ! Philippians 1:6 TPT” What would you tell your 18-year-old self? Hum… I conducted

What’s in Your Identity?

Part III: Group discussion with Meg, Danielle, and myself. We wrapped up the interview by having a group discussion on identity. Synergy is fun and powerful! Enjoy. Meg: As my identity grew in Christ and the truth of who he is and the goodness of God, there’s an overflow. It’s not that I’m trying to

How Jeremiah’s Prayer to God Changed a Woman’s Life- Q & A with Danielle Sisk

NOTE: This past December, I met with my friend Meg Weinkauf and Danielle Sisk for a Q & A on Identity. Today’s post features the interview with Danielle. (If you missed Meg’s, you can read it here🙂 I met Danielle through Meg when we conducted the interview and we connected instantly! And I became more acquainted

How One Woman’s Journey to Quit Striving for Achievements Transformed Her Life: Q & A with Meg Weinkauf

NOTE: This past December, I met with my friend Meg Weinkauf and Danielle Sisk for a Q & A on Identity. Today’s post features the interview with Meg (while next week features Danielle). I’m thrilled to introduce Meg to this community! I met her through a woman’s prayer group and have learned so much about

Who are you?

“Who are you?” We wear many hats–parent, spouse, employer, employee, teacher — that who we are at the core can get lost. Or hidden behind a fog of demands and roles. But our identity is summed up in one word. Lover. It’s what makes everything else work. The roles, that is. Because what we do

Transformation During a Mundane Task

NOTE: This month we’re looping back to a former topic: Identity. I’m thrilled because we will have two guest posts. I interviewed two incredible ladies together, but will feature their interviews in separate posts for later this month. (Hopefully, next week will feature one.) Today’s post is about discovery and how seeing yourself differently transforms

Will You Get in His Wheelbarrow?

About a month ago, a friend gave me a framed picture that you see above. Jesus stands on the edge of a canyon and holds a wheelbarrow. In front of him is a tight rope leading to another canyon. The quote on my picture (it’s different than the screen saver I purchased above): “He carries

Can You Find Safe People?

Have you experienced so much hurt from unsafe people that you find it difficult to develop relationships? Or to join a church or another type of community? Be vulnerable? You’re not alone. I have felt pain from unsafe people where when I had tried to trust, my pain returned. I felt too vulnerable and exposed

Four Reasons Why You Can be Vulnerable

Ever determine to be vulnerable in a community, but as you take a step, you want to return to the island? Or suddenly, you face a wall and want to run? I have. But when I stayed even when I wanted to jump ship, I discovered God’s grace to stay. And I learned more about